p dirltr stylemargintop 0pt marginbottom 0pt lineheight 138 textalign justifyspan stylefontsize 10pt fontfamily Tahoma sansserif fontweight 700 fontvariantnumeric normal fontvarianteastasian normal fontvariantalternates normal fontvariantposition normal verticalalign baseline whitespacecollapse preserveExuberant Acrylic Fiber Glovesspanpp dirltr stylemargintop 0pt marginbottom 0pt lineheight 138 textalign justifyspan stylefontsize 10pt fontfamily Tahoma sansserif fontvariantnumeric normal fontvarianteastasian normal fontvariantalternates normal fontvariantposition normal verticalalign baseline whitespacecollapse preserveExuberant Acrylic Fiber Gloves likely refers to gloves made predominantly or entirely from acrylic fiber known for its durability warmth and versatility These gloves are vi
Additional Informationp dirltr stylemargintop 0pt marginbottom 0pt lineheight 138 textalign justifyspan stylefontsize 10pt fontfamily Tahoma sansserif f